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- 000 : General Knowledge
- 100 : Philosophy and related investigations
200 : Religions
210: Islam
- 211: The Holy Quran
- Quran Interpretation
213: The Noble Hadith and its Sciences
- 210-3 | Hadith indexes
- 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology
- 213-3 | Hadeeth Reporters: Validating and Invalidating principles
- 213-4 | Hadeeth primary books and explanations
- 213-5 | Musnads of the four Sunni Imams
- 213-6 | Hadeeth: The Other musnads and collections
- 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous
- 213-8 | Non-sunni hadeeth collections
- 214: Fundamentals of Religion
- 215: Religious sects
- 216: Islamic Jurisprudence
217: Islamic doctrines
- 217 | Jurisprudence: General
- 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School
- 217-2 | Jurisprudence: Maliki School
- 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School
- 217-4 | Jurisprudence: Hanbali School
- 217-5 | Jurisprudence: Other sunni schools
- 217-6 | Jurisprudence: Islamic groups and other sects
- 217-9 | Religious rulings
- 218: Various Islamic Topics
- 219: Biography of the Prophet Muhammad
- Christianity
- 290: Other religions And comparative religions
210: Islam
300 : Social science
- 301 | Sociology
- 320 | Political science
- 330 | Economics
340 | Law
- 350 | Public administration
- 355 | Military science
- 370 | Education
- 390 | Customes and Etiquette, and Folklore
392 | Customs and traditions of life and home life
- Nuzhat al-'Albab Fima la Yujad Fi Kitab
- Al-washah Fe Fawaid Nakah
- Thahfa Al-arous Ounzha Al-nafus
- Mukhtasir tuhfat aleurus wanazhat alnufus
- Nuadir al-'Ayuk (Attributed to him)
- Mookad Al-mahba Pen Mohab Wemen Ahabah
400 : Languages
- 410 | Arabic Language
- 411 | Writing, Sounds and Calligraphy
- 413 | Language Dictionaries
414 | Rhetoric
- Shamse Al-adab Fe Estamal Al-arab
- Kitab albalagha
- Sharh Al-qassem Al-thalith Minn Moftah Al-aloum
- Mawahib alfataah fi sharh talkhis almiftah
- Al-rassala Al-samarqandiya Fe Alastarat
- 415-1 | Grammar
- 415-2 | Morphology
- 416 | Poetry: Rhyme
420 | English and Anglo-Saxon languages
430 | German language
440 | French language
- 490 | Other languages
500 : Empirical Sciences
- 500 | Empirical Sciences
- 510 | Mathematics and Engineering
- 520 | Astronomy
- 530 | Physics
- 540 | Chemistry
550 | Earth sciences and other worlds
- Karada Al-musjad Fe Maarafa Al-hajar Al-mafrad
- Kitab Hajar Thalatha
- Kitab Fi Al'ahjar Almulukiat Alty Tujad Fi Khazayin Almuluk
- Nakhib Aldhakhayir Fi 'ahwal Aljawahir
- Al-arkan Al-arbaa Fe Al-hajar
- Nihayat Altalab Fi Sharah Almuktasab Fi Ziraeat Aldhahab
- Kashf al'asrar aleilmiat bidar aldarb almisriat
- 590 | Animal Sciences
- 600 : Applied science technology
- 700 : Arts
- 800 : Literature
900 : Geography, Biography and History
- 910 | Geography and Travel
- 920 | Biography
- 929 | Genealogy
- 950 | History of Asia
- 953 | History of Turkiye
- 956 | History of the Arabs
956-1 | History of Makkah
- Tahsil Almaram Fi 'akhbar Albayt Alharam Walmashaeir Aleizam Wamakatan Walharam Wawalatuha Alfakham
- Al-haj Al-mubaina Fe Al-tafdhil Pen Mecca Walmdina
- Hamish Al'itmam Ealaa 'iielam Al'anam Bitarikh Bayt Allah Alhram
- 'iielam Al'anam Bitarikh Bayt Allah Alhram
- Alduru Alkamin Badhil Aleaqd Althamiyn Fi Tarikh Albalad Al'amin
- Bulugh Alquraa Fi Dhil 'ithaf Alwaraa Bi'akhbar 'am Alqra
- Tahsil Almaram Min Tarikh Albalad Alhram
956-2 | History of Medina
- Wafa Alwafa Bi Akhbar Dar Almustafaa
- altuhfat allatifat fi tarikh almadinat alsharifa
- Aakhbar Al-Madina
- Al'akhbar Almustatabat Fi Fadal Sukkan Taba
- Almanahil Alssafiat Aleadhbat Fi Bayan Ma Khafi Min Masajid Tayiba
- Bahjat Alnufus Wal'asrar Fi Tarikh Dar Hijrat Almukhtar
960 | History of Africa
- Al-traz Mangoush Fe Mahassen Al-haboush
- El-ilham Bi-Ahbar min Bi-Arzu'l-Habasha min Muluki'l-islam.
- Tanbih Alhadhiq Alnadasiu Ealaa Khata Min Siwaa Bayn Jamie Alqurwiyn Wal'andilsii
- Futuh Misr Walmaghrib
- Risalat Fi Fadal Alnayl
- Tanwyir al-Ghabash fi Fadl al-Sudan w al-Habash
- 962 | History of Egypt
Authored Books Highest Entries (50)
# | Authored Book | Author | No. Of Manuscripts | No. Of Entries |
1 | 5008 | 5482 | ||
2 | 2642 | 2871 | ||
3 | 1167 | 1246 | ||
4 | 991 | 1164 | ||
5 | 1465 | 1158 | ||
6 | 797 | 783 | ||
7 | 705 | 775 | ||
8 | 736 | 710 | ||
9 | 501 | 704 | ||
10 | 608 | 666 | ||
11 | 705 | 600 | ||
12 | 574 | 589 | ||
13 | 578 | 485 | ||
14 | 563 | 471 | ||
15 | 439 | 470 | ||
16 | 558 | 428 | ||
17 | 528 | 428 | ||
18 | 442 | 421 | ||
19 | 472 | 418 | ||
20 | 410 | 416 | ||
21 | 397 | 408 | ||
22 | 537 | 401 | ||
23 | 468 | 400 | ||
24 | 418 | 393 | ||
25 | 410 | 392 | ||
26 | 611 | 390 | ||
27 | 239 | 390 | ||
28 | 373 | 388 | ||
29 | 494 | 380 | ||
30 | 416 | 379 | ||
31 | 606 | 376 | ||
32 | 356 | 374 | ||
33 | 363 | 368 | ||
34 | 357 | 365 | ||
35 | 372 | 364 | ||
36 | 331 | 361 | ||
37 | 349 | 358 | ||
38 | 388 | 356 | ||
39 | 366 | 355 | ||
40 | 345 | 355 | ||
41 | 399 | 354 | ||
42 | 363 | 338 | ||
43 | 451 | 336 | ||
44 | 425 | 333 | ||
45 | 312 | 327 | ||
46 | 312 | 327 | ||
47 | 290 | 319 | ||
48 | 354 | 319 | ||
49 | 252 | 310 | ||
50 | 361 | 304 |