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Ibrahim Al-Halabi Ibrahim bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim al-Halabi

Author Info

Author Name
Ibrahim Al-Halabi Ibrahim bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim al-Halabi
Hijri Date
... - 956
Georgian Date
... - 1549
Author Biography
Biography Sources
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Makhtassar Minn Makhtassar Al-jawaher Meddia Fe Tebakat Al-hanafiya 920 | Biography 1 2
2 RISALE FI MESAILI'L-HIMMASA 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 1 1
3 Elmestan Ola Kel Marad Minneh Al-mabtada Oelet Maad 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 1 0
5 Sharah Kassida Aben Al-muqri Fe Al-waz 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
6 GUNYETU'L-MUTEMELLI TERCUMESI 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 5 1
7 218-9 | Islamic Sufism 8 7
8 MULTEKA'L-EBHUR FI'L-FURU' 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 6 1
9 214 | Theology 1 0
10 215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates 1 0
11 520 | Astronomy 1 0
12 Hashia Al-halabi Ola Sharah Al-alfaya 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 1
13 GUNYETU'L-MUTEMELLI FI SHERHI MUNYETI'L-MUSALLI 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 558 428
14 Makhtassar Ghanya Al-mutamli Fe Sharah Monia Masli 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 494 380
15 NI'METU'Z ZERI'A FI MUSRATI'SH SHERI'A 218-9 | Islamic Sufism 7 6
16 Alfawayid Almuntakhabat Min Alfatawaa Altatarakhania 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 11 11
17 510 | Mathematics and Engineering 1 1
18 Multaqa Al-abhar Fe Faroua Al-hanafiya 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 756 212
19 ER-RAHSU VE'L-VAKS LI-MUSTAHILLI'R-RAKS 215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates 25 23
20 GUNYETU'L-MUTEMELLI FI SHERHI MUNYETI'L-HALEBI TERCUMESI 215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates 1 1
21 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 1 2
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