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Author Info

Author Name
Hijri Date
691 - 751
Georgian Date
1292 - 1350
Author Biography
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Bakia Masael Al-roh 214 | Theology 1 1
2 Seg Selwat Ola Al-nabi Sali Alleh Alih Waslem 218-2 | Dhikr and islamic rituals 1 1
3 Thahfa Al-mawdoud Bahkam Mouloud 217 | Jurisprudence: General 15 38
4 ZADU'L-MEAD FI HEDYI HAYRI'L-IBAD 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 48 88
5 Hadit Ghamama Walgzala Waldip Walnaqa Veogeerha 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 2 4
6 Kattab Al-amthal 211 | Quran Sciences 1 1
7 MEANI'L-EDEVAT VE'L-HURUF 410 | Arabic Language 1 4
8 Rassala Fe Al-dafaa An Motheb Aben Taymiyyah 215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates 1 1
9 UDDETU'S-SABIRIN VE ZAHIRETU'SH-SHAKIRIN 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 6 11
10 Rassala Aben Al-qaim Fe Al-adab 810 | Arabic Literature 1 1
11 Gala Al-afham Fe Fadhl Al-salaa Walslam Ola Khayr Al-anam 218-2 | Dhikr and islamic rituals 16 48
12 'Ahkam 'Ahl AlDhima 216-9 | Sultans prescribed rules 2 16
13 Rawda Mahbin Ounzha Mashtaqin 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 4 27
14 Alfurusiat AlMuhammddaya 218-4 | Islamic Culture 5 17
15 MUHTASAR MIN KITAB AL-RUH 214 | Theology 2 3
16 Asma' Mualafat al-'Imam Shaykh al-'Islam 'Ahmad Bin Taymia 010 | Bibliography 1 3
17 Egtmaa Al-jayosh Al-islamiya Ola Harb Maatla Waljehmia 215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates 7 18
18 Tavsir Kouleh Tala Oma Tafaraq Al-thain Ottawa Al-kattab 212 | Quran Interpretation 1 2
19 AT-TIBYAN FI AKSAM AL-KUR'AN 211 | Quran Sciences 9 27
20 Kattab Al-roh 214 | Theology 30 47
21 Al-turq Hakmiyah Fe Al-siyasa Al-sharaia 216-9 | Sultans prescribed rules 16 28
22 alkafiat alshshafiat fi alaintisar lilfarqat alnnajia ( almanzumat alnuwniat fi aleaqayid ) 214 | Theology 21 29
23 Alkalam ealaa mas'alat alsamae 217 | Jurisprudence: General 3 10
24 al-Manar al-Manif fi al-Sahih w al-Daeif 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 16
25 BEDAYIU'L-FAVAID 216-1 | Principles of Jurisprudence 21 35
26 Benefits ( Ibn Al-Qayyim ) 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 31
27 Rafae al-Yadin fi al-Sala ( Ibn al-Qaim ) 217 | Jurisprudence: General 2 11
28 TARIKU'L-HICRETEYN VE BABU'S-SEADETEYN 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 19 59
29 Kitab al-Sala (Ibn Al-Qayyim) 217 | Jurisprudence: General 2 19
30 HIDAYETU'L-HAYARA FI ECVIBETI'L-YEHUD VE'N-NASARA 215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates 12 32
31 alrisalat altabuukia ( zad almuhajir 'iilaa rabih ) 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 7 10
32 'iighathat allhfan fi hukm talaq alghadaban 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 7
33 futya fi sighat alhamd 218-2 | Dhikr and islamic rituals 2 3
34 Risalat Ibn al-Qiam 'Iilaa 'Ahad 'Iikhwanih 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 2 5
35 Shifa' Alealil fi Masayil Alqada' Walqadr Walhikmat Waltaelil 214 | Theology 5 30
36 Madarj Al-salikin Fe Sharah Monazel Sairin 218-9 | Islamic Sufism 26 82
37 Al-wabel Al-sayeb Warafea Aleklam Tayeb 218-2 | Dhikr and islamic rituals 24 62
38 Nasihat al'aghbia' bibutlan alkimya' 217 | Jurisprudence: General 1 2
39 al'iielam biaitisae turuq al'ahkam 217-4 | Jurisprudence: Hanbali School 1 1
41 IGASETU'L-FEHTAN FI MESAIDI'SH-SHEYTAN 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 32 44
42 HADI'l-ERVAH 214 | Theology 47 121
43 Makhtassar Fe Al-farousiya Al-sharaia Al-nabouiyeh 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 0 1
44 'Aelam Almuaqiein Ean Rabi AlAlamin 216-1 | Principles of Jurisprudence 25 50
45 Thudheip Senen Abbe Dawoud Widah Allah Womskelate 213-4 | Hadeeth primary books and explanations 6 22
46 Al-sawaaq Al-mursala Ala Al-jahmiyya Wa Al-muatila 215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates 6 19
47 E-DAU VE'D-DEVA 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 22 106
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