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sakab al'anhur ealaa farayid multaqaa al'abhar
Number Of Entries |
10 |
Long Title |
sakab al'anhur ealaa farayid multaqaa al'abhar |
Author |
Alla Al-deen Altrablesi Ali Ben Mohamed Al-tarabulsi Al-aslah Al-damshaqi Alla Al-deen | 1032 |
Book Start |
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Book End |
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Short Title |
... |
Authored Date |
990 |
Category |
216-4 | Inheretence |
Language |
Arabic |
Alternative Titles |
... |
Is Researched ? |
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Is Printed ? |
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Notes |
References |
Al'aelamPart No: 5 / Page No: 13Hadiat AlearifinPart No: 1 / Page No: 755KESHFU'z-ZUNUN an ESAMI'l-KUTUB ve'l-FUNUNPart No: 2 / Page No: 1815Muejam Tarikh AlTurath AlIslami fi Maktabat AlAlamPart No: 3 / Page No: 2167Muejim Almualafin ( Kahala )Part No: 7 / Page No: 235The Comprehensive Index of the Arabic-Islamic Manuscript Heritage (Al-Bayt Indexes)Part No: 4 / Page No: 647 |
# | University | College | Student Name | Academic Hijri Year | Academic Georgian Year |
# | Cover Photo | Publisher | Researcher | Print Hijri Date | Print Georgian Date | Print Number | Notes |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
1 | Multaqa Al-abhar Fe Faroua Al-hanafiya | Ibrahim Al-Halabi Ibrahim bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim al-Halabi | View |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Conference Name | Research Name | Researcher Name | Country | City | Date | Conference No. |
# | Magazine | Article | Author | Issuer | Publish Hijri Date | Publish Georgian Date | Issue No. | Part No. | Page Numbers |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
كشف الظنون عن أسامي الكتب والفنون (2/ 1815)
وشرح: الشيخ، الإمام، علاء الدين: علي بن محمد الطرابلسي بن ناصر الدين، الإمام بجامع بني أمية، الدمشقي، الحنفي. المتوفى: سنة 1032. فرائضه. وسمَّاه: (سكب الأنهر على فرائض ملتقى الأبحر). أوَّله: (الحمد لله الذي قضى بالحمام على جميع الأنام ... الخ). وأتمه في: شهر جمادى الآخرة، سنة 990، تسعين وتسعمائة.