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al-Maqrizi; Ahmed bin Ali bin Abdul Qadir, Abu Al-Abbas Al-Husseini Al-Obaidi, Taqi Al-Din Al-Maqrizi

Author Info

Author Name
al-Maqrizi; Ahmed bin Ali bin Abdul Qadir, Abu Al-Abbas Al-Husseini Al-Obaidi, Taqi Al-Din Al-Maqrizi
Hijri Date
766 - 845
Georgian Date
1365 - 1441
Author Biography
Biography Sources
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 1 0
2 Makhtassar Al-kamil Lapen Odai 213-3 | Hadeeth Reporters: Validating and Invalidating principles 1 4
3 Rassala Al-maqrizi Fe Zekir Ghalla Al-waqi Bamsar Minn Qadim Al-zamman Elly Waqt Mulf 962 | History of Egypt 1 1
5 Tacridu't-TEvhid. 214 | Theology 13 22
6 Makala fi Hirsu'n-Nufusu'l-Fazila ala Bakai'z-Zikr. 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 5 8
7 El-isharEt vE'l-ima fi Hallu-Lugazu'l-Ma. 810 | Arabic Literature 18 20
8 El-Makasidu's-saniyyE li-MarifEti'l-Ecsami'l-Ma'daniyE. 530 | Physics 5 13
9 igasatu'l-Umma Bi-KEshfi'l-GummE. 962 | History of Egypt 11 30
10 Juz' min marwiaat abn qatral 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 1 2
11 Gharib Alquran 211 | Quran Sciences 1 2
12 El-ilham Bi-Ahbar min Bi-Arzu'l-Habasha min Muluki'l-islam. 960 | History of Africa 6 21
13 KITAB FIHI MA'RIFETUN YECIBU LI-EHLI'L-BEYT 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 5 13
14 Husulu'l-in'am vE'l-Mabar Bi-su'al HatEmati'l-Hayr. 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 5 10
15 El-BEyan vE'l-i'rab Ama fi Arz Misir min Kabailu'l-A'rab. 962 | History of Egypt 9 22
16 Et-TurfEtu'l-Gariba fi Ahbar Dar HazrEmati'l-Aciba. 910 | Geography and Travel 6 9
17 Et-TEnazu vE't-Tahasun Fima BEyna Bani UmEyya vE Bani Hashim. 956 | History of the Arabs 13 30
18 Kitabu'n-Nukudu'l-Kadima vE'l-islamiyE. 330 | Economics 13 32
19 Thaghar Damyat wama waqae biha min eahd nuh ealayh alsalam 'iilaa akhar dawlat Alturk 962 | History of Egypt 2 0
21 Kitabu'l-Habar Ani'l-BEshEr. 956 | History of the Arabs 14 21
22 Darar aleuqud alfaridat fi tarajim al'aeyan almufida 920 | Biography 4 13
23 iIimtae al'asmae bima lilnubaa salaa allah ealayh wasalam min al'ahwal walhafdat walmatae 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 11 23
24 ittiazu'l-HunEfa Bi-Ahbari'l-EimmEti'l-HulEfa. 962 | History of Egypt 2 18
25 Alsuluk limaerifat alduwal walmuluk 962 | History of Egypt 28 33
26 Ez-Zavu's-sari fi Habar Tamimu'd-Dari. 956 | History of the Arabs 9 13
27 Ez-ZEhabu'l-Masbuk fi Zikr min Hac minE'l-HulEfa vE'l-Muluk. 920 | Biography 5 13
28 Nahl Ibaru'n-Nahl. 630 | Agriculture 5 15
29 Almuntaqaa Min Tarikh Misr liabn Al-Maysar 962 | History of Egypt 1 7
30 Al'iisharat w Al'iielam Bibina' Alkaebat w Albayt Alharam 956-1 | History of Makkah 2 8
31 Albayan almufid fi alfarq bayn altawhid waltalhid 214 | Theology 3 4
32 Aldurar almadiat fi tarikh alduwal al'iislamia 956 | History of the Arabs 1 2
33 El-MEvaiz vE'l-i'tibar fi Zikri'l-Hitat vE'l-Asar. 962 | History of Egypt 189 221
34 Mukhtasar qiam allayl waqiam ramadan wakitab alwitr 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 10
35 Risalat almakayil wal'awzan alshareia 510 | Mathematics and Engineering 6 9
36 Al-Mukhtar Min Durat al'aslak fi Dawlat Al'Atrak 953 | History of Turkiye 1 2
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