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Author Info

Author Name
Hijri Date
350 - 429
Georgian Date
961 - 1038
Author Biography
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Nether Nazam Wahal Akd 810 | Arabic Literature 3 3
2 ICAZ AL-ICAZ 810 | Arabic Literature 13 15
3 Al-Tahsin W al-Tqpieh 810 | Arabic Literature 2 3
4 EL-LEALI VE'D-DURER 810 | Arabic Literature 2 5
5 Al-qalaid Walfraid 810 | Arabic Literature 9 8
6 Mabhaj 810 | Arabic Literature 10 3
7 Mokhtar Minn Ahsan Ma Semat 810 | Arabic Literature 1 2
8 Sahar Al-balaghah Wasser Al-baraaa 810 | Arabic Literature 10 3
9 Tatimat al-Yatima 920 | Biography 7 12
10 Joahr Al-hakam 810 | Arabic Literature 1 2
11 Kattab Al-toufiq Liltlvig 810 | Arabic Literature 1 2
12 Almuntakhab min sunan alearab 810 | Arabic Literature 3 0
13 lubab al'adab 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 3 1
14 tarjamat alkatib fi adab alsaahib 810 | Arabic Literature 3 2
15 Tabaqat Almuluk 920 | Biography 1 0
16 tafsil alsiri fi tafdil alshier 810 | Arabic Literature 1 0
17 tuhfat alwuzara' 320 | Political science 2 0
18 ajnas altajnys 414 | Rhetoric 2 2
19 alnihayat fi alkinaya 414 | Rhetoric 5 0
20 almuntahil 410 | Arabic Language 1 0
21 alkinayat waltaerid fi madh alshay wadhimih 414 | Rhetoric 4 3
22 aleuqad alnafis 810 | Arabic Literature 1 0
23 Ghurar Albalagha 414 | Rhetoric 1 0
24 Khas Alkhasu 810 | Arabic Literature 1 0
25 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 1
26 BERDU'L-EKBAD FI'L-A'DAD 810 | Arabic Literature 6 12
27 MIRATU'L-MURUVVET 810 | Arabic Literature 6 3
28 810 | Arabic Literature 0 2
29 MUNISU'L-VAHID VE NUZHETU'L-MUSTEFID 810 | Arabic Literature 1 4
30 YEVAKITU'L-MEVAKIT 810 | Arabic Literature 33 16
31 KITABU'L-LUTF VE'L-LETAIF 810 | Arabic Literature 10 8
32 Minn Gab Anna Mutrab 810 | Arabic Literature 10 14
33 Rawdat alfasaha (alThaealibi) 414 | Rhetoric 1 2
34 Letema Al-dahr Fe Mahassen Ahl Al-asr 920 | Biography 72 80
35 Altemthil Al-mahadire 810 | Arabic Literature 20 23
36 NASIMU'S-SAHAR 810 | Arabic Literature 11 14
37 810 | Arabic Literature 3 21
38 Thamar Alqulub Fi Almadafi Walmansub 810 | Arabic Literature 21 27
39 'ahsan ma samiet 810 | Arabic Literature 1 7
40 Faqih Allughat Wa'asrar Alearabia 410 | Arabic Language 104 170
41 Shamse Al-adab Fe Estamal Al-arab 414 | Rhetoric 4 6
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