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Author Info

Author Name
Hijri Date
751 - 833
Georgian Date
1350 - 1429
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 USULU'L-KIRAE 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 3 1
2 Fateh Al-qarib Mejib Fe Karaa Hamza Ben Habib 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 2 2
3 Manzouma Tetalak Bodbot Esnad Assel Katab Nacher 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 1
4 Al-zahr El-fayeh Fe Wasf Minn Tanze An Al-thanoub Walkbaih 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 3 2
5 Moftah Al-husn Al-husayn Minn Klam Sade Al-marsalin 218-2 | Dhikr and islamic rituals 13 14
6 UDDETU'L-HISNI'L-HASIN 218-2 | Dhikr and islamic rituals 87 84
7 EL-HISNU'L-HASIN MIN KELAMI SEYYIDI'L-MURSELIN 218-2 | Dhikr and islamic rituals 202 174
8 Kfaia Al-almai Fe Aya Ya Ardh Ablei 212 | Quran Interpretation 1 1
9 Alhidayat Fi Eilm Alrawaya 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 9 11
10 Ashra Ahadith Ashariya Al-esnad 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 1 1
11 Awali Al-qadi Abbe Nasser 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 1 1
12 [jawab Ola Saoual Fe Al-qaraat] 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
13 Lalgaz Al-jazaria 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 8 2
14 Papp Ma Kharj Minn Hams An Al-qayyas Fe Al-rassam 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 2 2
15 TAHYIRU'T-TEYSIR FI'L-KIRAATI'S-SEB' LI'D-DANI 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
16 Rassala Fe Al-tajwid 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
17 SHERHU'T-TEYSIR 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
18 SHERHU'L-I'LAM FI AHKAMI'L-IDGAM 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
19 SHARH AL-MUKADALIMAT AL-CAZARIYYA 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 6 4
20 Ghaya Al-muhra Fe Zayada Ola Al-ashra 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 4 0
21 KASIDE FI'T-TECVID 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 3 0
22 KASIDET MUKADDIMAT 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
23 KITABU'L-CEZERI 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
24 Manzouma Ma Anfred Beh Aban Ben Yazid Al-dhay Khalif Veh Asama 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
25 HIDAYETU'L-MAHARE FI TETIMMETI'L-ASHERE 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
26 EL-IKDU'S-SEMIN FI ELGAZI'L-KIRAE 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 2 0
27 Nacher Al-kabir 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
28 EL-HIDAYETU'L-MEHERE FI TETIMMETI'L-ASHERE 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 3 0
29 Mangoul Minn Al-badaya Elly Maalem Al-rawayeh 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
30 Meruyat Aben Al-jazari 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
31 Ahadith Maslaslat Oshariat Al-esnad Aliat 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
32 Zekir Asaned Katab Domai Minn Al-alma Washia Minn Ahadizham 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
33 Al-ilam Fe Ahkam Al-idgam 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
34 TERCEMETU'L-HISNI'L-HASIN 218-2 | Dhikr and islamic rituals 3 4
35 Taybah Nacher Fe Al-qaraat Al-ashr 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 71 34
36 Manzouma Fe Al-qaraat Al-thalath 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
37 Al-thalatha Warwathem ( Al-haddaya Almahdia Fe Tetma Al-ashra ) 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 1
38 al-Nashr fi al-Qiraat al-Eashr 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 56 48
39 MUKADDIME FI-MA YECIBU ALE'L-KARI -MUKADDIME FI'T-TECVID- 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 360 291
40 Rassala Fe Al-waqaf Ola Hams Lahmzeh Wahsham 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 2 2
41 RISALETUN MUHTASARA FI ILMI'T-TECVID 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
43 Hashiat al-Juzri ealaa mukhtasir Al-Saed Al-Taftazanii 414 | Rhetoric 2 0
44 MUHTASAR FI ILMI'L-HADIS 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 2 2
45 Al-ahadith Al-ashariyeh Al-esnad 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
46 Mulakhis Tarikh al-'Iislam ( Ibn al-Jizarii ) 956 | History of the Arabs 4 6
47 Sharah Taybah Nacher Fe Al-qaraat Al-ashr 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 10 10
48 Takrib Nacher Fe Al-qaraat Al-ashr 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 54 40
49 Al-awali (wahi Arbon Hadith) 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 3 1
50 Almasead al'ahmad fi khatm musnad al'iimam 'Ahmad ( Almaqsid al'ahmad ) 213-5 | Musnads of the four Sunni Imams 3 14
51 Monjad Al-mqarien Womrashid Al-talibine 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 10 30
52 Altadkar Fe Karaa Aban Ben Yazid Al-attar 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 5 4
53 ED-DURRETU'L-MUDIYYE FI'L-KIRAETI ALE'L-EIMMETI'S-SELASE 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 87 103
54 Tahbir Altaiser 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 43 4
55 Aldrt Almudiat Fi Qara'at Al'ayimat Althlatht Almardia 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 3 3
56 MANZUME FI'L-KIRAETI'S-SELASE EZ-ZAIDE ALE'L-ASHERE 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 8 10
57 Eaqad allali fi al'ahadith almusalsalat aleawali 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 1 1
58 Al-tamhid Fe Alam Al-tajwid 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 12 7
59 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 9 4
60 Araf Al-taarif Balmold Charif 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 4 2
61 Papp Waqef Hamza Wahsham Ola Al-hamza 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 2 0
62 Baghia Alalem Minn Ahadith Abbe Al-qasim 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 4 2
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