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Al-yafaee Abd Alleh Ben Asaad Ben Ali Al-yafaee Afif Al-deen

Author Info

Author Name
Al-yafaee Abd Alleh Ben Asaad Ben Ali Al-yafaee Afif Al-deen
Hijri Date
698 - 768
Georgian Date
1298 - 1367
Author Biography
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Mekdemat Fe Al-awamil Oualamat 415-1 | Grammar 1 1
2 Atraf Agaib Alayat Walbrahin Minn ( Khalasa Al-mofakher Fe Munaqib Sheikh Abd Al-qadir ) 920 | Biography 1 0
3 Makhtassar Al-dur Nazim Fe Khawas Al-qaraan Al-azim 211 | Quran Sciences 1 3
4 Aldrt Almustahsanat Fi Aistihbab Takrir Alemrt Fi Sayir Alsana 217-9 | Religious rulings 1 0
5 Mirat aljannan waeibrat alyiqzan fi maerifat hawadith alzaman 956 | History of the Arabs 13 6
6 al'iirshad waltatriz fi fadal dhikr allah watilawat kitabah aleaziz 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 11 0
7 EL-ENVARU'L-LAIHA MIN ESRARI'L-FATIHA 211 | Quran Sciences 1 0
8 Al'iisharat Alwajizat Fi Sharh 'asma' Allah Aleaziza 218-2 | Dhikr and islamic rituals 1 0
9 qasidat shams al'iiman fi tawhid alrahmun waeaqidat 'ahl alhaqi wal'iitqan waltashwiq 'iilaa aljannan 214 | Theology 1 0
10 nashr almuhasin alghaliat fi fadal mashayikh alsuwfia 218-9 | Islamic Sufism 12 11
11 Manzumat Tibiya 610 | Medical Sciences 1 0
12 Al-dur Nazim Fe Fadail Al-qaraan Al-azim (al-yafai) 211 | Quran Sciences 24 10
13 Rawadh Al-riahin Fe Hakaiat Salhin 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 31 7
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