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Number Of Entries |
13 |
Long Title |
Author |
Apo Ali Alqali Esmaeel Ben Al-qasim Ben Aadhon Ben Haron Ben Essa Ben Mohamed Ben Salmane Apo Ali Al-qali | 356 |
Book Start |
... |
Book End |
... |
Short Title |
... |
Authored Date |
... |
Category |
413 | Language Dictionaries |
Language |
Arabic |
Alternative Titles |
| | |
Is Researched ? |
Yes |
Is Printed ? |
Yes |
Notes |
References |
'Asma' alkutub almutamim likashf alzununPart No: 1 / Page No: 55 | 66Al'aelamPart No: 1 / Page No: 321Hadiat AlearifinPart No: 1 / Page No: 208KESHFU'z-ZUNUN an ESAMI'l-KUTUB ve'l-FUNUNPart No: 1 / Page No: 216Mejm AlMatbueat AlEarabiat WaLmueribaPart No: 2 / Page No: 1489Muejam Tarikh AlTurath AlIslami fi Maktabat AlAlamPart No: 1 / Page No: 669Muejim Almualafin ( Kahala )Part No: 2 / Page No: 286 |
9811 .Or | British Library-Oriental and India Office Collections | -
Copy Date: 300 - 400
# | University | College | Student Name | Academic Hijri Year | Academic Georgian Year |
1 | Baghdad University | - | 1392 | 1972 |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
1 | Kitab Aleayn | Al-khalil Ben Ahmade Al-khalil Ben Ahmad Ben Amro Ben Tamim Al-farahidi Al-azdi Al-ihmadillee Apo Abd Al-rahman | View |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Conference Name | Research Name | Researcher Name | Country | City | Date | Conference No. |
# | Magazine | Article | Author | Issuer | Publish Hijri Date | Publish Georgian Date | Issue No. | Part No. | Page Numbers |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
كشف الظنون عن أسامي الكتب والفنون .. (1/ 216)
البارع في غريب الحديث
للشيخ، أبي علي: إسماعيل بن القاسم اللغوي، القالي. المتوفى: سنة ست وخمسين وثلاثمائة.
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