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Author Info

Author Name
Hijri Date
696 - 764
Georgian Date
1296 - 1363
Author Biography
Biography Sources
Alternative Author Names
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 qasidat fi alhuthi ealaa makarim al'akhlaq 810 | Arabic Literature 1 0
2 Tamam al-Mutun fi Sharh Risalat Ibn Zaydun 810 | Arabic Literature 19 8
3 Aikhtirae alkhirae 810 | Arabic Literature 2 0
4 Al-ghaith Al-dhay Ansejm Fe Sharah Lamia Al-ajam 810 | Arabic Literature 89 16
5 TESBIHU'T-TASHIF VE TAHRIRU'T-TAHRIF 410 | Arabic Language 3 14
6 810 | Arabic Literature 1 2
7 EL-VAFI BILVEFAYAT 920 | Biography 57 12
8 Safadi's Diwan 810 | Arabic Literature 1 1
9 A'YANU'L-ASR VE A'VANU'N-NASR 920 | Biography 24 35
10 810 | Arabic Literature 2 1
11 810 | Arabic Literature 4 2
12 'alhan Alsawajih Bayn Albady Walmarajie 810 | Arabic Literature 12 4
13 Tdhkirat Al-Safdii 810 | Arabic Literature 15 12
14 810 | Arabic Literature 3 3
15 Rumuzu'sh-shEcErati'n-Nu'maniyEi'd-DEvlEti'l-OsmaniyE. 130 | Paranormal Phenomena 16 1
16 810 | Arabic Literature 2 0
17 Lawaa Al-shaki Wadmaa Al-baki 810 | Arabic Literature 20 50
18 810 | Arabic Literature 1 2
19 415-1 | Grammar 1 3
20 415-1 | Grammar 1 0
21 Nusrat al-Thayir Ealaa al-Mathal al-Sayir 810 | Arabic Literature 10 15
22 Nufudh al-Sahm Fima Waqae liljawharii Min al-Wahm 410 | Arabic Language 2 1
23 Janaan aljinaas 414 | Rhetoric 3 5
24 Ghuamid al-Sihah lilJawhrii 410 | Arabic Language 3 7
25 414 | Rhetoric 3 4
26 al-Hasan al-Sarih Fi Maiat Malih 810 | Arabic Literature 5 6
27 ER-RAVZU'L-BASIM VE'L-ARFU'N-NASIM 810 | Arabic Literature 4 4
28 610 | Medical Sciences 2 4
29 810 | Arabic Literature 0 0
30 DIVAN 810 | Arabic Literature 1 0
31 810 | Arabic Literature 1 0
32 810 | Arabic Literature 1 0
33 810 | Arabic Literature 1 0
34 920 | Biography 1 0
35 NAKTU'L-HIMYAN FI NUKATU'L-UMYAN 920 | Biography 6 14
36 Mukhtar alathar 810 | Arabic Literature 1 0
37 Eibrat allabib bimasrae alkayiyb 414 | Rhetoric 6 7
38 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 1 1
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