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Al-Shubramlsi; Ali bin Ali Al-Shubramlsi, Abu Al-Dhiya, Noor Al-Din

Author Info

Author Name
Al-Shubramlsi; Ali bin Ali Al-Shubramlsi, Abu Al-Dhiya, Noor Al-Din
Hijri Date
997 - 1087
Georgian Date
1588 - 1676
Author Biography
Biography Sources
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Al-nakt Al-lawdaia Ola Sharah Al-jazaria 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 2
2 Hashiat al-Shibramlsi Ealaa Nihayat al-Muhtaj 'Iilaa Sharh al-Minhaj 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 52 61
3 Hashia Al-shabramilsi Ola Fateh Al-wahhab Sharah Munahij Talab 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 4
4 Igaza Al-shabramilsi Bamroiatte Lehdith Mslessel Palolia Othlathyat Najariyeh Oshariat Al-jallal 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 1
5 Hashia Al-shabramilsi Ola Sharah Al-assam Ola Al-samarqandiya 414 | Rhetoric 4 4
6 Risalat fi salaat alzuhr baed aljumea 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
7 Rassala Tetalak Baslaa Al-zahr Baad Al-jamaa Fe Al-amsar 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 3
8 Hashia Al-shabramilsi Ola Sharah Aben Kasem Al-abbadi Ola Al-warqat 216-1 | Principles of Jurisprudence 6 10
9 Keshef Kanna An Meten Washrah Abbe Shoja ( Hashia Al-shabramilsi Ola Sharah Aben Kasem ) 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 5
10 Igaba Al-shabramilsi An Asela Faquhiya 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
11 Risalat alShibramilsi Fi Maenaa alLaahut w alNaasut 214 | Theology 1 0
12 Hashia Al-shabramilsi Ola Ashraf Al-wasael Elly Fahm Al-shamael 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 5 9
13 HASHIYE ALE'L-MEVAHIBU'L-LEDUNIYE LI'L-KASTALANI 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 33 27
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