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Al-Basri: Abdullah bin Salem bin Muhammad bin Salem bin Isa Al-Basri

Author Info

Author Name
Al-Basri: Abdullah bin Salem bin Muhammad bin Salem bin Isa Al-Basri
Hijri Date
1048 - 1134
Georgian Date
1638 - 1722
Author Biography
Biography Sources
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Al-imdad Bamarafa Alo Al-esnad 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 13 8
2 Rassala Fe Awael Katab Al-ahadith Al-satta Veogeerha 213-4 | Hadeeth primary books and explanations 9 6
3 Khatam Mouta Rouaya Yahiye Ben Yahiye 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 2 0
4 Khatam Jameh Al-imam Abbe Essa Al-tarmethi 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 2 1
5 Khatam Senen Aben Mage 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 4 2
6 Khatam Senen Abbe Dawoud 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 2 0
7 Tebat Roiat Al-basri 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
8 Hashiat al-Basri Ealaa Taqryb al-Tahdhyb 213-3 | Hadeeth Reporters: Validating and Invalidating principles 0 2
9 Khatam Sahih Al-bukhari 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 2 0
10 Isharat Sahih Al-bukhari Wasanide 213-4 | Hadeeth primary books and explanations 1 1
11 Dayaa Al-sari Fe Massalak Abouab Al-bukhari 213-4 | Hadeeth primary books and explanations 7 9
12 Risalat Fi Al'ahadith Alnubawiat Yaktafi Bitalaqyha Ean Riwayat 'usuliha Ean Alashyakh (iweadatha Tset Waeishrun Hdythaan) 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 2 0
13 Khatam Sahih Muslim 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 2
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