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Author Info

Author Name
Hijri Date
838 - 905
Georgian Date
1434 - 1499
Author Biography
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Al-hawashi Al-azhria Fe Hal Alfaz Moqaddama Al-jazaria 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 34 24
2 Temrin Talab Fe Sanaa Al-irab ( Makhtassar ) 415-1 | Grammar 1 2
3 Moqaddama Al-azhria Fe Alam Al-arabia 415-1 | Grammar 10 6
4 Muasil al-Tullab 'Iilaa Qawaeid al-'Iierab 415-1 | Grammar 204 135
5 Sharh al-'Alghaz al-Nahwia 415-1 | Grammar 3 3
6 FEVATIHU'R-RAHMAN FI TECVIDI'L-KUR'AN 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
7 415-1 | Grammar 1 3
8 'iierab alkafia (al'azhari) 415-1 | Grammar 9 3
9 Al-thamar Al-ywane Ola Assol Jama Al-jawamea 216-1 | Principles of Jurisprudence 5 9
10 EL-ELGAZU'N-NAHVIYYE 415-1 | Grammar 9 10
11 Eltesreh Bemdmon Al-toudhih 415-1 | Grammar 167 122
12 Iarab Al-ajrumia (al-azhri) 415-1 | Grammar 52 42
13 Tamriyn al-Tullab fi Sinaeat al-'Iierab 415-1 | Grammar 119 75
14 Sharah Sheikh Khalid Ola Moqaddama Al-azhria Fe Alam Al-arabia 415-1 | Grammar 271 204
15 Sharah al-Shaykh Khalid Ealaa al-Muqadamat al-Ajarumia 415-1 | Grammar 309 251
16 810 | Arabic Literature 109 111
17 EN-NASIH VE'L-MENSUH 211 | Quran Sciences 1 1
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