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Author Info

Author Name
Hijri Date
640 - 732
Georgian Date
1242 - 1332
Author Biography
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Alternative Author Names
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Nazam Al-lain Fe Al-fraid 216-4 | Inheretence 1 1
2 A'LAMU'Z-ZUREFA FI EYYAMI'L-HULEFA 920 | Biography 1 1
3 EL-EHADISU'L-ERBA'UN 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 1 1
4 Al-wadha Fe Tajwid Al-fatha 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 10 2
5 Khalasa Al-abhath Fe Sharah Nahij Al-qaraat Al-thalath 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 2 2
6 Nahij Al-dumatha Fe Nazam Karaa Al-thalatha 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 1
7 Maddad Fe Maarafa El-add 211 | Quran Sciences 1 1
8 Ahkam Al-hamza Lahsham Whamza 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
9 Hedika Al-zahr Fe Aded Ay Al-sor 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
10 Rassala Fe Makharij Al-haruf Wasfatha 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
11 Rassim Al-barhahan Fe Hajaa Al-qaraan ( Rassala Fe Rassim Moshaf Al-othmaniyya ) 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
12 Akvoud Al-jaman Fe Tajwid Al-qaraan 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 2 0
13 Manzouma Fe Rassim Al-mosahaf 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
14 Al-fraidi Fe Akhtiyar Al-izidi ( Al-fraidi Fe Akhbar Al-izidi ) 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 0
15 Rassoum Al-tahdith Fe Alam Al-hadith 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
16 Tatimat al-Tatriz fi Sharh al-Taejiz 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 3
17 Dewan Al-jaabari 810 | Arabic Literature 7 7
18 Jamila Arbab Al-morasid Fe Sharah Aqila Atrap Al-qasaid 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 4 9
19 Kins Al-maani Fe Sharah Harz Al-amani 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 13 17
20 416 | Poetry: Rhyme 0 5
21 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 2 5
22 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 1 1
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