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Author Info

Author Name
Hijri Date
1101 - 1192
Georgian Date
1690 - 1778
Author Biography
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Faidh Monan Baldrori Minn Motheb Al-naman 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 3 1
2 Kalam Alissir Fe Allaj Al-moqada Walbwassir 610 | Medical Sciences 4 1
3 Ithaf Al-mahtadin Bamnaqub Ayma Al-deen 920 | Biography 2 1
4 Al-faydh Al-amim Fe Moana Al-qaraan Al-azim 212 | Quran Interpretation 6 4
5 Tarik Al-ahtada Bahkam Emama Walaqteda 217-1 | Jurisprudence: Hanafi School 3 1
7 Al-hadaka Baanwa Al-alaqa 415-1 | Grammar 20 3
8 Baghia Faqir Lema Latiba Minn Al-takbir 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
9 Khalasa Kalam Ola Waqef Hamza Wahsham 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
10 Nahaya Al-taarif Baksam Al-hadith Al-daif 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
11 alqawl al'aqrab fi eilaj lise aleaqarb 610 | Medical Sciences 2 0
12 allatayif alnuwriat fi almanh aldamnhuria 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 6 0
13 'iidah almushkilat min matn alaistiearat 414 | Rhetoric 16 0
14 shifa' alzaman basiri qalb alquran 211 | Quran Sciences 4 2
15 eaqad alfarayid fima lilmuthlath min alfawayid 520 | Astronomy 5 1
16 aldaqayiq al'almaeiat ealaa alrisalat alwadeia 410 | Arabic Language 2 1
17 Tahsil Almuram Bialdaea' Ealaa Aldawam 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 0
18 Iiqamat al-Hujat al-Bahrat eala Hadm Kanayis Misr wa al-Qahira 216-9 | Sultans prescribed rules 10 8
19 Manzumat fi eilm altibi 610 | Medical Sciences 1 3
20 Al-fath Al-rabbani Pemferdat Aben Hanbal Al-shibani 217-4 | Jurisprudence: Hanbali School 7 8
21 'iidah almabihim men maeani alsilm 160 | Logic 62 16
22 darat altawhid 214 | Theology 5 6
23 muntahaa al'iiradat min tahqiq eisam alaistiearat 414 | Rhetoric 6 6
24 Muntahaa Altasrih Bikhallasat Alqawl Alsarih Fi Eilm Altashrih 610 | Medical Sciences 3 3
25 Sebil Al-rashad Elly Nafa Al-abbad 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 7 0
26 Al-qul Al-mufid Lamaani Durra Al-tohaid 214 | Theology 15 11
27 'iirshad almahir 'iilaa kanz aljawahir 130 | Paranormal Phenomena 1 0
28 eayn alhayaat fi eilm aistinbat almiah 550 | Earth sciences and other worlds 7 7
29 Mokadma Al-damanhuri Fe Al-qaraat Ola Motheb Assim 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 1 0
30 Hassen Al-tabir Fe Bian Ma Lahriz- Shatibia - Minn Al-takbir 211-8 | Quran Tajwyid and Recitations 2 1
31 Al-qul Sarih Fe Alam Al-chrih 610 | Medical Sciences 3 2
32 al'anwar alssatieat ealaa 'ashraf almurabaeat 130 | Paranormal Phenomena 5 0
33 510 | Mathematics and Engineering 1 2
34 510 | Mathematics and Engineering 4 6
35 Hilyat allubi almasun bisharh aljawhar almaknun 414 | Rhetoric 18 2
36 Al-dura Alitima Fe Sanaish Al-karimah 540 | Chemistry 5 3
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