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Author Info

Author Name
Hijri Date
683 - 756
Georgian Date
1284 - 1355
Author Biography
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Rassala Al-sabki Fe Al-waqaf 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
2 Fetwa Kel Moloud Jold Ola Fatra 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 4
3 Mogef Al-ramaa Fe Waqef Hama 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 2
4 Akhtar Ibraz Al-hakam Minn Hadit Rafa Al-qalam 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 1 2
5 Nabda Montakhba Minn Kattab Al-tahqiq Fe Masala Al-tailiq ,oa, Massala Al-sarijia 216-4 | Inheretence 1 1
6 Rassala Fe Al-talaq 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
7 Al-nour Fe Al-dour ,oa, Rassala Fe Al-talaq Al-douri 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
8 Masael Fe Al-faqa Al-shafei 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
9 Hakam Al-sharaa Mazhar Fe Qasr Om Halim Wamarj El-safer 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 2 2
10 Masala Al-talaq 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
11 Minn Acistolle Wemen Glois Fe Hakam Minn Yakol Low 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
12 Sualat Abbe Muslam Al-ajli 213-3 | Hadeeth Reporters: Validating and Invalidating principles 1 0
14 alaietisam bialwahid al'ahad fi mane 'iiqamat jmeatyn fi balad 217-9 | Religious rulings 1 0
15 Nasiha Al-sabki Lolde 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 2 2
16 alrd ealaa nuniat abn qiam aljawzia 215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates 2 7
17 Takmilat Almajmue Sharh AlMuhadhdhab (Al-Subki) 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 16
18 Al-tamhid Fima Yegeb Veh Al-tahdid 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 2 1
19 Al-sahm Al-saeeb Fe Qabd Den Alghaib 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 4 4
20 Fasl Mokal Fe Hadaya Al-amal 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 3
21 SEYFU'L-MASLUL ALA MEN SEBBU'R-RASUL 215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates 27 22
22 810 | Arabic Literature 5 5
23 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 5
24 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 3
25 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 0
26 En-Nazaru'l-CEli fi ZEkati's-sabiy. 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 0
27 TElhis-i Rushdu'l-ifham fi Mikati'l-Eytan. 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 0
28 KEshfu'l-GummE fi Miras-i Ehli'z-ZimmE. 216-4 | Inheretence 2 4
29 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 2 4
30 Nether Al-jaman Fe Akvoud Al-rahn Waldhman 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 3
31 MEchul. 216-4 | Inheretence 1 2
32 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 2 3
33 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 2
34 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 0
35 alqasidat alttayiyat fi madh sayiduna muhamad khayr albaria 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 6 5
36 216-4 | Inheretence 2 3
37 Elfatawy Al-kubra 217-9 | Religious rulings 8 12
38 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 1
39 218-9 | Islamic Sufism 1 0
40 214 | Theology 1 0
41 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 0
42 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 0
43 214 | Theology 1 0
44 217-9 | Religious rulings 1 0
45 216-1 | Principles of Jurisprudence 1 0
46 214 | Theology 1 0
47 RisalE fi’l-fark bEynE sharihi’l-masdar vE EnnE’l-fi’l. 415-1 | Grammar 3 0
48 RISALE FI'L-AMMI'L-MAHSUS VE'L-AMMI'LLEZI URIDE BIHI'L-HUSUS 216-1 | Principles of Jurisprudence 2 0
49 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 1
50 El-REhEb min BEy'i'l-Kanadi'z-ZEhEb. 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 2 2
51 415-1 | Grammar 2 2
52 Tenzil Al-sakina Ola Kanadil Al-madina 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 4
53 415-1 | Grammar 1 1
54 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 24 50
55 T-TEMYIZ ALE'L-KESHSHAF 212 | Quran Interpretation 4 5
56 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 5
57 Tawalea Mecherga Fe Al-waqaf Ola Tabaka Baad Tabaka 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 2 3
58 214 | Theology 4 3
59 213-7 | Hadeeth: Miscellaneous 3 3
60 211 | Quran Sciences 2 2
61 920 | Biography 2 3
62 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 1
63 212 | Quran Interpretation 1 3
64 214 | Theology 1 2
65 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
66 SHIFAU'S-SAKAM FI ZIYARA HAYRU'L-ENAM 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 4 20
67 alRafdat fi maenaa wahdah 410 | Arabic Language 6 10
68 al'Iighrid fi alhaqiqat walmajaz walkinayat waltaerid 410 | Arabic Language 3 5
69 Nil aleula bialeatf bila 415-1 | Grammar 4 6
70 'Iierab Qawlih Taealaa Istateama 'Ahlaha 415-1 | Grammar 1 1
71 Ahkam Kel Oma Alih Tedl 415-1 | Grammar 4 3
72 Al-halbiat 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 4 4
73 216-9 | Sultans prescribed rules 1 5
74 216-9 | Sultans prescribed rules 1 12
75 216-9 | Sultans prescribed rules 1 4
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