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Author Info

Author Name
Hijri Date
750 - 808
Georgian Date
1349 - 1405
Author Biography
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Author Manuscripts

# Authored Book Title Category No Of Manuscripts No Of Entries
1 Sharah Adab Ma Witkerer Fe Elioum Wallila 810 | Arabic Literature 2 2
2 Sharah Aben Ammad Ola Argozte Fe Najasat Al-mafo Anha 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 2
3 Sharah Manzouma Aben Ammad Fe Al-ankaha 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 2
4 Manzouma Aben Ammad Fe Al-ankaha 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 2
5 Manzouma Fe Sharut Al-imam Walmamum 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
6 Rassala Aben Ammad Fe Al-tohaid 214 | Theology 1 1
7 Sharah Aben Ammad Ola Kassida Al-bardah 810 | Arabic Literature 9 6
8 Dalael Al-hakkam Elly Maarafa Jamal Goamed Al-ahkam ( Tokiv Al-hakkam Ola Goamed Al-ahkam ) 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
9 Manzouma Aben Ammad Fe Al-janna Moshtamla Ola Kattab Mana 214 | Theology 1 1
10 Arjoza Fe Alam Al-hadith 213-1 | Hadeeth Terminology 1 0
11 Manzouma Fe Najasat Al-mafo Anha 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 24 28
12 sharah aldrt aldwyat fi hijrat khayr albaria 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 1 0
13 Aldrt Aldawiat Fi Al'ahkam Alsuniyat Wal'ahwal Alradiat Fi Hijrat Khayr Albaria 219 | Biography of the Prophet Muhammad 2 2
14 ADABU'L-EKLI VE'SH-SHURBI VE'N-NEVMI VE'D-DUA' 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 8 11
15 MUHTASARU'T-TIBYAN LI-MA YAHILLU VE YAHRUMU MINE'L-HAYVAN 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
16 'Ajubat Ibn al-Eimad 217-9 | Religious rulings 1 0
17 Sharh Ibn Al-Eimad ealaa nuzmih fi adab altaeam walshirab 218-5 | Spreading and defending of Islam 1 0
18 Keshef Al-asrar Amma Khafi An Fahm Al-afkar 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 73 2
19 Tshil Al-moqasid Lazouar Al-masajed 218-3 | Sermons and Mosques 6 15
20 Kattab Fe Faraq Pen Al-hayya Al-mistaqra Walhiaa Al-mustamra Wahiah Ish Medbouh 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 4 0
21 URCUZE FI'L-CIN 214 | Theology 1 0
22 Sharh zawayid al'usul ealaa munhaj alwusul 216-1 | Principles of Jurisprudence 1 2
23 EL-KAVLU'T-TAM FI ADABI DUHULI'L-HAMMAM 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 1 0
24 Ahkam Al-awani Lazrov Oma Feha Minn Madrouf 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 16 16
25 Arjoza Aben Ammad Fe Al-hallal Walhram 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
26 Igaz Al-nabih Elly Ibaha Ma Yegoz Qardeh Walslem Veh 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
27 Al-tabian Lema Ihal Wiharm Minn Al-haywan 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 6 8
28 Al-taqbat Ola Mahmat 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 3 4
29 Al-ser Mestabane Memma Odeh Alleh Minn Al-khawas Fe Agsaa Al-haywan 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 1 1
30 Fadail Neel Wemen Ayn Munabee 962 | History of Egypt 11 13
31 Al-qul Al-tam Fe Ahkam Al-mamum Wallemam 217-3 | Jurisprudence: Shafi'I School 6 3
32 Sharah Aben Ammad Ola Menzomte Fe Adab Al-akal 218-1 | Morals and Islamic ethics 29 31
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