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Al-asad Ben Mamatier Asaad (apo Mokarem) Ben Mhdheb (al-mulqab Balkhtir Abbe Said) Ben Mena Ben Zakariah Aben Mmati
Author Info
Author Name |
Al-asad Ben Mamatier Asaad (apo Mokarem) Ben Mhdheb (al-mulqab Balkhtir Abbe Said) Ben Mena Ben Zakariah Aben Mmati |
Hijri Date |
544 - 606 |
Georgian Date |
1149 - 1209 |
Author Biography |
Biography Sources |
Alternative Author Names |
Author Images |
Author Manuscripts
# | Authored Book Title | Category | No Of Manuscripts | No Of Entries |
1 | AL-FASUS FI AHKAM KARAKUSH | 962 | History of Egypt | 0 | 5 |
2 | Qawanin Al-Dawawin | 910 | Geography and Travel | 6 | 14 |
3 | 920 | Biography | 3 | 8 | |
4 | 410 | Arabic Language | 1 | 0 | |
5 | 415-1 | Grammar | 0 | 3 |