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Al-Kafil bimaeani altanzil

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Al-Kafil bimaeani altanzil
Kandi Apo Al-husayn Ben Abbe Bakir Ben Al-husseine Emad Al-deen Al-kindi | 741
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212 | Quran Interpretation
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Part No: 2 / Page No: 234
KESHFU'z-ZUNUN (Al Furqan Edition)
Part No: 6 / Page No: 83
Muejam Tarikh AlTurath AlIslami fi Maktabat AlAlam
Part No: 2 / Page No: 1346

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# University College Student Name Academic Hijri Year Academic Georgian Year
1 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
2 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
3 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
4 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
5 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
6 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
7 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
8 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
9 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
10 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
11 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
12 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
13 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
14 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
15 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
16 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
17 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
18 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
19 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
20 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
21 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
22 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
23 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
24 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
25 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
26 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
27 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
28 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
29 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
30 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
31 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
32 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
33 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
34 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
35 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
36 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
37 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
38 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
39 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies
40 Islamic University of Medinah College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies


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كشف الظنون عن أسامي الكتب والفنون .. (2/ 1502)
الكفيل بمعاني التنزيل
وهو تفسير العماد الكندي، قاضي إسكندرية، النحوي. المتوفى: سنة 720، عشرين وسبعمائة. وكان ممن استوطن غرناطة بالأندلس. وهو: تفسير ضخم. في: ثلاث وعشرين مجلدة كبيرة. وطريقته فيه: أن يتلو الآية أو الآيات. فإذا فرغ منها قال: قال الزمخشري، ويسوق كلامه. فإذا انتهى أتبعه بما عليه من مناقشة، وما يحتاج إليه من توجيه، وما يكون هناك من الزيادات الواقعة في غير (الكشاف) من التفاسير. وأكثر نظره فيه في النحو، فإنه كان متقدما في معرفته.


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