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Number Of Entries |
12 |
Long Title |
Author |
Ibn al-Mu'taz; Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Mu'taz Billah bin al-Mutawakil Ibn al-Mu'tasim Ibn al-Rashid al-Abbasi, Abu al-Abbas | 296 |
Book Start |
قد قمنا في أبواب كتابنا هذا بعض ما وجدنا في القرآن واللغة وأحاديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وكلام الصحابة والأعراب وغيرهم وأشعار المتقدمينم من الكلام الذي سماه المحدثون البديع |
Book End |
من أقعدته ظروف الدهر لم ينم |
Short Title |
... |
Authored Date |
274 |
Category |
414 | Rhetoric |
Language |
Arabic |
Alternative Titles |
... |
Is Researched ? |
- |
Is Printed ? |
Yes |
Notes |
References |
Al'aelamPart No: 4 / Page No: 118Geschichte der Arabischen LitteraturePart No: 1 / Page No: 377KESHFU'z-ZUNUN an ESAMI'l-KUTUB ve'l-FUNUNPart No: 2 / Page No: 1402Muejam Tarikh AlTurath AlIslami fi Maktabat AlAlamPart No: 2 / Page No: 1469Sulam alwusul 'iilaa tabqat alfuhulPart No: 2 / Page No: 223The Comprehensive Dictionary of Printed Arab HeritagePart No: 5 / Page No: 111 |
# | University | College | Student Name | Academic Hijri Year | Academic Georgian Year |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Conference Name | Research Name | Researcher Name | Country | City | Date | Conference No. |
# | Magazine | Article | Author | Issuer | Publish Hijri Date | Publish Georgian Date | Issue No. | Part No. | Page Numbers |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |