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Number Of Entries |
24 |
Long Title |
Author |
Maaafi Ben Ismaeil Al-maafi Ben Esmaeel Ben Al-husayn Ben Abbe Al-sanan Al-shibani Almoseli Shafei Apo Mohammade Jamal Al-deen | 630 |
Book Start |
الحمد لله الذي جعل صدور أوليائه أوعية لحفظ كلامه وسلط فكرهم على استنباط معانيه وشرح آيه وأحكامه .. وبعد فلا شك أن العلوم تتفوت في اعتلاء اقتدراها وتفاضل عند ظهور آثارها فأفضلها العلم بكتاب الله تعالى |
Book End |
ونحن نستعيذ بالله ونستمده جميل ما عون وقضا .. وقاربه لتدبر ما فيه وتفهم معانيه وعصمنا من الزلل وأرشدنا لصالح القول والعمل فإنه أهل التقوى وأهل المغفرة وواق الجواب في الدنيا والآخرة |
Short Title |
... |
Authored Date |
... |
Category |
212 | Quran Interpretation |
Language |
Arabic |
Alternative Titles |
| |
Is Researched ? |
Yes |
Is Printed ? |
- |
Notes |
References |
Al'aelamPart No: 7 / Page No: 259Geschichte der Arabischen LitteraturePart No: 3 / Page No: 572Hadiat AlearifinPart No: 2 / Page No: 465Muejim Almualafin ( Kahala )Part No: 12 / Page No: 301 |
# | University | College | Student Name | Academic Hijri Year | Academic Georgian Year |
1 | Al - Azhar University | - | 1421 | 2001 | |
2 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1421 | 2001 | |
3 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1424 | 2003 | |
4 | King Saud University | Faculty of Education | 1985 | 1405 | |
5 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1412 | 1991 | |
6 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1415 | 1995 | |
7 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1417 | 1997 | |
8 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1419 | 1999 | |
9 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1420 | 1999 | |
10 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1421 | 2001 | |
11 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1423 | 2002 | |
12 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1423 | 2002 | |
13 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1424 | 2003 | |
14 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1424 | 2003 | |
15 | General Presidency for Girls' Education | Faculty of Education | 1424 | 2003 |
# | Cover Photo | Publisher | Researcher | Print Hijri Date | Print Georgian Date | Print Number | Notes |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
1 | The Holy Quran | Heavenly Book | View |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Conference Name | Research Name | Researcher Name | Country | City | Date | Conference No. |
# | Magazine | Article | Author | Issuer | Publish Hijri Date | Publish Georgian Date | Issue No. | Part No. | Page Numbers |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
كشف الظنون عن أسامي الكتب والفنون .. (2/ 1987)
نهاية البيان في تفسير القرآن
لأبي محمد، جمال الدين: المعافى بن إسماعيل بن الحسين بن أبي البيان الشافعي، الموصلي. المتوفى: سنة 630، ثلاثين وستمائة. في: ستة مجلدات.