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alrisalat almunajiat min waswasat almuetazilat waljabriat fi madkhaliat aikhtiar aleabd fi 'afealih aliakhtiaria
Number Of Entries |
4 |
Long Title |
alrisalat almunajiat min waswasat almuetazilat waljabriat fi madkhaliat aikhtiar aleabd fi 'afealih aliakhtiaria |
Author |
Al-Dabaghi, Ahmed bin Muhammad Al-Dabaghi Al-Marashi | 1165 |
Book Start |
الحمد لله الذي خلقنا بصفة الاختيار .. وبعد فيقول الفقير .. أحمد المرعشي الشهير بالدباغي لما كان من مزالق الأقدام ومضايق الأذهان ومحاير الأفهام مسئلة مدخلية اختيار العبد في الأفعال الاختيارية |
Book End |
وبركامة حبيبك الكريم صل عليه وعلى آله أجمعين |
Short Title |
... |
Authored Date |
... |
Category |
215 | Religious sects, other religions and debates |
Language |
Arabic |
Alternative Titles |
alrisalat almanjiat min tashnie almuetazilat wawasusat almuetazilat fi madkhiliat aikhtiar aleabd fi 'afealih alaikhtiaria | | |
Is Researched ? |
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Is Printed ? |
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Notes |
References |
Fahars Makhtutat Maktabat KubriliPart No: 2 / Page No: 622Muejam Tarikh AlTurath AlIslami fi Maktabat AlAlamPart No: 1 / Page No: 504 |
# | University | College | Student Name | Academic Hijri Year | Academic Georgian Year |
# | Cover Photo | Publisher | Researcher | Print Hijri Date | Print Georgian Date | Print Number | Notes |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
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# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Conference Name | Research Name | Researcher Name | Country | City | Date | Conference No. |
# | Magazine | Article | Author | Issuer | Publish Hijri Date | Publish Georgian Date | Issue No. | Part No. | Page Numbers |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
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# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |
# | Authored Book Name | Author Name | Links |